Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 1.iso
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56 lines
WimpKeys 1.00
© Garry garry@goldhill.demon.co.uk 1994
(1) Click SELECT on iconbar, opens the WimpKeys window.
(2) Click MENU on iconbar, brings up menu.
(3) Click ADJUST on iconbar, opens the WimpKeys window.
(1) & (3) WimpKeys window
Wkeys (WimpKeys) are the RISC OS version of function keys. The WimpKey
definitions are set in directory !WimpKeys.WimpKeys. You may have as many
sets of definitions as you like; they should be in files with names numbered
"1" upwards. Click SELECT on the number at the left side of the WimpKey
window to advance to the next WimpKeys, ADJUST to revert to the previous set.
You may have up to 18 definitions per set of WimpKeys. [control codes] may be
used in the definitions, example, [13] for a <cr>. Using SELECT on the
WimpKey sends the text; ADJUST sends the text and closes the WimpKeys window.
(2) Menu
INFO shows the version and date of this copy of !WimpKeys.
DEFS brings up a dialogue box for defining the WimpKeys.
The DEFS dialogue box has a series of (white) writeable icons into which
the WimpKey window texts and the definitions are written.
The DEFS dialogue box has a series of (yellow) menu icons:
The leftmost menu icon contains the reference number of the WimpKey set being
displayed. Click SELECT/ADJUST to increase/decrease the set displayed,
noting the sets cycle round one set higher than was defined at the time of
running !WimpKeys (so one extra set can be added).
The USE icon is for updating the writeable icons into the actual definitions
in use (without saving to disc).
The LOAD icon is for overwriting the WimpKeys in use with the WimpKeys on
The SAVE icon is for updating the writeable icons into the actual definitions
in use (also saving to disc).
QUIT does the usual. Alternatively you may QUIT from the Task Manager.
The status of this software is Freeware. That is, feel free to try the
software out and pass it unmodified to your fellow ArcFans at no cost.
As usual, this software is supplied at your own risk - no matter what it
does, you personally accept the consequences.
Garry, garry@goldhill.demon.co.uk